I Blew My New Year’s Resolution 

It’s the start of the new year and I already have a laundry list of things I want to accomplish, ways I want to improve, and habits I want to break. Can you relate? The idea of a fresh start to the year is motivating! Not to mention, you can’t go on social media without seeing every influencer’s fitness, dieting, or career goals. Everyone is making “resolutions” this time of year, and I often feel the need to jump on board! 

Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about setting a goal. But if you’re anything like me, I often set the bar so high for myself in the new year that by the time February comes, I’ve already blown my goals and the only thing I’ve “resolved” to do is try better next year.

A few years ago one of my favorite pastors, Levi Lusko, preached a sermon series called You In Five Years. The premise of this series is that the choices you make today matter. Your decisions in the present will either push you toward the person you want to become or take you far away; the choice is up to you. 

We know our decisions matter, but how do we make the right ones? We set out with great intentions to be kind to our spouse, take care of our bodies, control our tempers, etc., but it can often feel like we experience failure more than we experience success. 

In one of the messages, Levi talks about goal setting. He shares, “Victory isn’t one huge thing and then you’re undefeated, it’s a small thing continuously repeated.” 

Oftentimes, the goals we want to accomplish take time and repetition, two things we don’t always enjoy when living in a world of instant gratification. But God is very clear that patience, consistency, and prayer are key to becoming the people He wants us to be. 

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer" (Romans 12:12). 

Three words that stick out to me in this verse are patient, constant, and prayer. As I enter 2023, I want to set all my goals to the rhythm of these words. Let’s unpack each one and see how they can help us make lasting choices that honor God and bring us closer to the person we want to become. 


We are all works in progress. One of the reasons why my resolutions fail by February is because I have not given them enough time. Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Be patient with yourself as you follow God. It’s likely that you will not see the results of your efforts right away, but as you surrender, allow Him to work in you, and give Him your best, you become more of the person He made you to be. 


Making a positive change takes consistency on our part and God’s. God will always come through on His part. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). He is making the believer more like Christ every single day. Our job is to be consistent in showing up and giving Him our best effort. For example, if my goal is to speak kinder words to my spouse, I need to implement words of love into my daily routine.  


The truth is, we can’t accomplish any lasting change on our own. In John 15:5, Jesus reminds us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Prayer helps us rely on God for life change and not on our own “good behaviors.” As you strive to make life-giving choices, ask God to help you. He has the power you need to change and grow! 

As you make goals and seek change this year, be patient with yourself, be consistent, and pray for strength and power from God to live in His ways. 

I have good news for you! When you blow it (and you will),  Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that “His mercies are new every morning.” In God’s goodness and grace, we have the opportunity to start fresh every single day… no need to wait for 2024!

If you need assistance in accomplishing your goals this year, whatever they may be, counseling could be a great option for you! Visit https://www.thebreakingground.com/ for more information. 

You In Five Years is also a great resource for how to set and achieve biblical goals. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwiB5YgtqgM to watch!

Ally Dilworth

A receiver, giver, partner and ponder-er of topics related to soul care, Ally offers a next generation perspective. She is a long and well-loved guest contributor to The Breaking Ground.


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